But I don't think that I would have made it this far with my sanity left were it not for two very important influences: God and Andrew. I know it sounds cheesy, and you can roll your eyes if you want, but it's true. Our God is so gracious in sustaining us even when we don't realize that He's doing it, and in teaching us even in the midst of our constant distractions. And He also provides us with one of His best gifts - His PEOPLE - to share in our joys and struggles, to encourage, support, convict, and sharpen us. There are countless people who fit this profile in my life, and if I were to name them all I would be here all day. But today's post is especially for Andrew, for his support and encouragement, for an unforgettable summer break spent together last week, and for calling me beautiful even after I flipped my kayak, fell in a river, and was soaked and muddy from head to toe. (Perhaps that's a story for the next post...) :)