Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Katrina Joy, Shelby says hi! :)

Bexx-n-Shelby 2
Originally uploaded by beccaruth.

We took a ton of pictures, and Shelby was so hyper that only these two came out with a Shelby that wasn't a big blur! He was excited to see you. :)

This one's for you, Danny boy...

Bexx-n-Shelby 1
Originally uploaded by beccaruth.

I love you!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

In this first week of Advent, the beginning of the season of expectation, the words to my favourite Advent hymn have been echoing around in my head and my heart.

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Wisdom from on high,
Who orders all things far and nigh;
To us the path of knowledge show,
And teach us in her ways to go.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Day-spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here;
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,
And death’s dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Desire of nations, bind
All peoples in one heart and mind;
Bid envy, strife, and sorrow cease,
Fill the whole world with heaven's peace.
Emmanuel has come to Thee, O Israel.

Amen. Starting in each of our hearts, may the awe that Emmanuel has, indeed come, fill us with joyful and fruitful anticipation of the day when He will come again. Rejoice!

Monday, November 28, 2005

my not-so-little brother...

This is what happens when you don't see your family very often...all of a sudden, your little brother is HUGE!!! My parents sent me this picture, taken a few weeks ago, and I could hardly believe my eyes. The happy couple on the left is my parents, then my brother Ben in the back with his curly red mop blowing in the wind, and finally my Aunt Pat and Uncle Tom (he's my mom's "little" brother...). They went to Sao Paulo to spend a week with my family a few weeks ago, which was awesome! Both of my mom's siblings have now managed to go down to Brazil and see my parents in their "natural habitat," and I think it has truly been a blessing for all those involved. They're standing in the parking lot of the Pan American Christian Academy, the school I went to (from Kindergarten through 12th grade!), with the administrative office building/library in the background. Note the palm trees - it's summer there!!!!! :)

Katrina, this next one's for you...if you thought Ben was scary when he was shorter than us, I can't imagine what you'd do if you bumped into him now! :) This is Ben's best impression of a scary pirate, from my High School in Brazil's production of The Pirates of Penzance a few weeks ago. (It's very strange to me that, in the past 5 years, PACA has done a big musical drama production every year, with about half of the high school involved every time! When I was a student, let's just say that drama wasn't the most popular 8th period elective class...For example, my Junior year, we had to scrounge around looking for a play that had an all-female cast! Because there were NO GUYS who signed up! We couldn't even do something like Little Women, because we would at least have needed a guy to play the crucial part of the March family's suave neighbour Laurie. You see, we weren't allowed to have girls dressed up as men pretending to be men. But now, they don't seem to have any trouble getting guys to be in the plays! And singing and dancing, nonetheless! My, how times have changed...) So without further ado, here is my handsome pirate brother!

But don't let the picture fool you - he's really a sweetheart. :) Love you, bro!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

So, tomorrow I don't have to work. Or the next day. Or the next day...and so on, until MONDAY! It's strange, but I almost wish I had a paper to work on (I know, call me crazy), because I have no idea what I'll do with myself for 5 days! 5 days without work? Without papers and things to keep my mind busy? 5 days at home alone? Well, I guess I'm exaggerating a little, because I won't really be home alone for all 5 days...

On Thanksgiving Thursday I'll be around people - at Glenn & Maxine Cockle's, to be precise, with loads of other people including the adorable Clancey! And I may also be able to stop by the Fuller residence for a few hours to play games and chat and talk to Dan's grandparents about growing up in Brazil. Depending on how awake we all still are after the turkey effect kicks in. :) Then Friday, Laura and Walter, Karen and Brian, and myself will head up to Aunt Susan & Uncle Edgar's house in Niagara Falls, for a belated Thanksgiving dinner and lots of games...They're from the Clark side of the family, not the Myers side, and the whole Clark clan are board game fiends! Especially word games, like Speed Scrabble, or Boggle, or Balderdash, although they have been known on occasion to play Cranium or Pictionary. (No, we're not going to hit the stores on "the biggest Christmas shopping day of the year"...I think it's dumb, not to mention stressful, and I would much rather spend time with people eating, talking, and playing games than shopping!) It will be wonderful to be together with my family again, and to celebrate Thanksgiving twice - I have double reasons to be thankful! :)

But, all the same, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the other 3 days...I will sleep in and read a few books, probably bake at least once, take a bubble bath, clean my room, finally put together the prayer wall that I've been dreaming about for a month now, and spend much time thanking God for all the wonderful, amazing blessings He's given me out of the depths of His grace, and praying for all of you who are scattered across the world right now. And I will probably be a little bit lonely, and I will probably miss you every day, but maybe the missing will make it that much more wonderful when we meet again. Kind of like sleeping in your own bed is so much nicer after being on the road, sleeping in sleeping bags and on couches. And maybe I'll actually be able to sit down and write in my journal again!!! Something I haven't done in ages, and I really miss it...

Have a blessed Thanksgiving, all my wonderful friends! :)

Friday, November 18, 2005

Let it snow!!!

There is now snow on the ground in Houghton. Covering the grass, making the roads slippery, making the leaf-less trees once again into something beautiful, and driving me inside where it is warm! Ahhh, to curl up on the couch under a blanket with a mug of tea and a good book... :) In spite of my sub-tropical upbringing, I have actually grown to love winter over the past 4 years here at Houghton! It is a little different now that I'm paying my own heating bill...but anyways, I still think it's beautiful, and it reminds me of how in God's vast and wonderful creation, everything is given a time to rest. Right now, the trees are resting, and furry animals are getting ready to tuck away and sleep, and it is extremely good, because that was the way it was meant to be! This is not an empty, bored, thumb-twiddling rest, but a deeply beneficial rest in which healing is taking place and preparations are being made for life to burst forth once again in the fullness of spring. It kind of reminds me of Advent, a season that is all about expectation - Come, Lord Jesus! A season in which we rejoice because we know that He has already come. And in which we are also still waiting - not an empty waiting, but one in which work is being done even now to build into fruition the full redemption that will burst forth when He will come again, for good! It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. Or maybe that's just the cold. :)

And yet, while I love winter for all these reasons, there is still part of me that becomes green with envy when I see pictures of the warm, sunny places where my friends are right now...

This is where Dan was last week, in Cuba.
This is where Amy and Katrina have been travelling, in India and Thailand.
This is where Chuck and Cherith will be moving in a few short months.

Enjoy the sunshine, all you people in warm places! :) I'll make a snowman in your honor and toast you with hot chocolate.

Monday, November 14, 2005

not as the world gives

Every Monday I get an e-mail from the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, called "Word for the Week," containing the musings of one of their staff members on a certain passage of Scripture. And every Monday when I get to work, I am refreshed and challenged by their words, which come from the overflow of lives laid down daily for the cause of Christ, saturated with the Holy Spirit, pursuing justice and mercy and a daily walk with our God in the midst of a world that cries out for redemption and healing! Here is this week's Word on the peace that passes understanding, a reminder that the peace we have through the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is not an escape from troubles, but a truth that roots us, more deeply than a feeling, in wholeness and security in God:

"The fruit of the Spirit is…peace," Gal.5:22. "My peace I give you," John 14:27.

‘Oh for a bit of peace and quiet’, we may say, troubled by fractious colleagues and sardine-tin commuter trains, or by squabbling children and cold-calling salespeople. Peace perhaps equates to space, time to breathe, respite from stress.

From stress, but also from grief, from fear, from suffering. ‘My heart is in anguish within me’, wrote the psalmist, ‘Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.’ And Keats, in his Ode to a Nightingale, grieving the death of a friend, longed to: Fade far away, dissolve and quite forget What thou among the leaves have never known, The weariness, the fever, and the fret, Here, where men sit and hear each other groan.

So is peace simply escapism? Most people would also see it as something more positive – a feeling of contentment and well-being. Sometimes even the most successful people, having achieved all their material goals, still lament that peace has eluded them.

This is closer to the biblical concept of peace: the Hebrew word shalom implies wholeness, integrity, a harmony between the internal and the external. And Jesus made it plain that the peace he offered was special: ‘My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives’.
Jesus’ peace is not a mere feeling. It is based on truth, and appropriated by faith. ‘Being justified by faith, we have peace with God’ (Rom.5:1). The serenity of heart that the Spirit produces in us is rooted in the security of a healed relationship with God.

Unlike the world’s peace, the Spirit’s peace is independent of circumstances. Besieged by disappointment, grief, sickness, overwork, strife, injustice, we can daily hear the voice of Jesus: ‘In this world … trouble’, but ‘in me, peace’ (John 16:33).
(written by Helen Parry)

This is the kind of peace I long to see come to earth. A peace that is more than just the absence of war and oppression (although it also includes those things), but is an active restoration of wholeness in people, communities, and nations, and a reconciliation of those people to God. A peace that, while working to overcome pain, conflict, famine, nakedness, injustice, and war, establishes our lives solidly on the One in Whom we live and move and have our being, even in the midst of the troubles of this broken world. There is a peace that passes all understanding. May this peace that is much deeper than a feeling guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus this week, and may we join wholeheartedly in the Holy Spirit's work to bring that peace to all people!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Snow fell from the sky today...

I'm not ready for this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 07, 2005


Even though, for you, it isn't really your birthday any more. Because you're halfway around the world, in Thailand...sigh...

I toasted a mug of hot apple cider in to your good health and wonderful travels, last night at Paul's town house. And part of me wished that, for your birthday, you and Amy and Paul and I could watch tons of episodes of Gilmore Girls in the Arensen's basement and eat cookie dough. I baked cookies this weekend, and I'll eat them with Sarah tonight, while we each read our books and sip tea as Shelby runs around the living room inside his purple hamster ball. :)

Has anyone had any progress inventing tele-transport yet? Because I am craving one last autumn romp in the woods, followed by hours and hours of talking the night away under the stars. But one very crucial element is missing - Daniel Timothy Fuller. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

In honor of Tegan...

Right now, as I sit here at my desk at work, I am eating Skittles. And out of habit, I am putting aside all the purple ones, because that's just how I'm used to eating Skittles. Tegan gets anything grape, Becca gets anything orange, end of discussion! Except now I don't know what to do with the lonely grape ones...maybe you'll just have to come visit me and claim them. :)

But that got me thinking about the way we treat ALL our stuff. Is it as instinctive for me to put aside money, time, food, clothing, and all the other resources God is allowing me to take care of, as it is for me to set aside those grape Skittles? Sadly, no. I have to make a conscious effort to set aside my tithe first when I get my paycheck, otherwise it's easy for me to say, "Well, I've been needing this thing for a long time, so I'll buy it now and tithe double next month." Yeah, right! Like that ever happens! There was a reason that God asked His people to offer Him their firstfruits. It was because He knew that we get wrapped up in space and time and things, and in asking our first step to be dedicated to Him, it would become easier to consider all the following steps His, too. I've been reading Leviticus, and God's perspective on dedicating things to Him is very serious - no cutting corners, no cheating God! Remember Ananias and Saphira? God cannot be hoodwinked. He doesn't want just one piece of us, He wants ALL of us, ALL that we have, so that we can be entirely transformed in the fiery blaze of His holiness. The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. And, frankly, this is very easy to forget. It doesn't come naturally to us. It, instead, has to be learned, in a daily process some people like to call sanctification. So that, after a while, the decision to turn everything back to God for His praise and the building of His Kingdom becomes a little more reflexive, and the lines start becoming blurred between individual acts of giving, and it starts to look more like a continuous stream of gratitude. Oh, that this may someday be true in my life! In the meantime, with God's help, I continue to need constant reminders to not hold so tightly to anything but nail-pierced hand of our Saviour. As a Body, we all need to remind each other sometimes.

The house that I live in? It isn't mine. Not only does it legally belong to the Yandas, but while I'm in it, the use of that house should also be entirely dedicated to God. That means that if someone needs a place to stay for a while, I would be more than happy to give up my bed and sleep on the couch. If you're tired of Houghton water, come take a soak in my bathtub. If you need a place to relax and get away, come on over, anytime! Lord, glorify Your name in my house. The food that I eat every day? It is not mine. It has been given to me by God, and gifts were never meant to be hoarded, but to be shared. That means that my dinner table is always open for you! Holy Spirit, work in our lives through the food we eat and the people with whom we share it. The clothes that I wear? They are not mine. I thank God for them, especially in the bitter Houghton cold that is quickly approaching. But I have more than enough, and when I can no longer close the drawers on my dresser, it isn't a sign that I need a bigger dresser, it's a sign that I need to do some sorting and giving away. Lord, we make our wardrobes a prayer to you. The car that I drive? The sticker in the window says I own it, but that's not really true. This life that I live every day? It is not mine. I have been crucified with Christ, therefore it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and the life that I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and delivered Himself up for me.

So, thank you, Tegan, for sharing your orange Skittles with me. May we learn to hold nothing back from the One who has given it all to us!