Thursday, November 10, 2005

Snow fell from the sky today...

I'm not ready for this!!!!!!!!!!!!


Michelle said...

We had a 90 degree day...we were sitting on the balcony eating lunch and started baking in the sun. We all breathed a sigh of relief when some cloud cover came. I don't think I'd be ready for snow right now, but I'm having a really hard time adjusting to this 90 degree (and air conditioning) in November thing. It's very bizarre.

Whitfield said...

HAHAHAHA! i can picture your face and hear the tone of your voice and it's sending me into fits of laughter!
my november has been chilly and rainy and incredibly windy (Akita is on the Japan sea... hahaha yup. it's perched right on top of it. grammar... or maybe syntax... i'm horrible at playing the linguistics game - ask michelle. anyway, Akita is on the coast, so driving winds really do DRIVE you. one day i thought, hmmm, this must be something like what the beginning winds of a typhoon are like...) and it made me glad it wasn't a typhoon, so that i could take joy in the thrill of being pushed across the pavement. :) love you Bexx!!