Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Out with the old, in with the new

Everything is changing! Everyone is moving! Or, should I say, everyone has moved?

Amy has successfully packed and moved to China, moved in with another red-headed housemate, and started teaching English to Middle-Schoolers. (Good luck with them, Amy!!!!!)

Paul & Katrina are successfully packed for Tanzania, with all their furniture, kitchen stuff, and almost all of their books having been brought to the Shaffners' barn in Rockton, PA. Now they are making their "goodbye" tour before heading out to Tanzania in less than a week! Crazy, crazy...

Noel has packed and moved successfully back to his home in the lovely nation of Canada, getting ready for a tour of the world.

And as for me? Well, all my earthly possessions have been successfully packed up into boxes and crates and carted off to Cuba, NY, until further notice. Sometimes I think, "I'm completely ready to just be on my own right now - I can't wait to have my own space!" And then other times it comes crashing in on me, "Who am I kidding? There's no way I'm ready to live by myself again! I've gotten too used to sharing. I don't WANT to have everything to myself!"

So if anybody is looking for a housemate, I'm taking applications! :) Requirements: must love the Triune God, reading books, drinking hot tea, swapping backrubs, and not mind listening to me practice the guitar.

For now, that slot is being filled by Laura & Walter - although I'm not sure how they feel about the whole swapping backrubs thing... :)


Anonymous said...

A vida é cheia da aventuras, né!
Been looking for a new post, and as of Thurs, pm, it was still dia dos pais. Is the slow down in the system, or in the send button on your end?
Just thinking about moving, and who we really are...
We quit counting our moves after the 20th. But you might have almost reached that mark already...
Home is where you make it be, especially with our best friend Jesus. I think he would drink tea, you know, as well as other things!!

By the way, Happy birthday, a day early. WOW! 23 years ago today was a very hot , very long August. Grandma Clark was helping us, and we went to a WMPF meeting at someone's house in the evening. I was feeling rather funny, thinking something I had eaten was giving me problems. I just couldn't get comfortable. Them, at around 11:30pm we decided you were wanting to appear, right on time, right on your due date.
You appeared at 3 Am, ready to greet the world with your eyes wide open, and your charming smile (OK, newborns don't smile). We felt like showing off you great red hair, but decided that taking care of 3 girls under 3 1/2 years old was enough! We were really happy to see you, you know.
We love you, and are thankful that you are YOU, in process...
Hang in there in this transition time. Laugh, sing, talk, cry, pray, think, enjoy, walk, drink in God's faithfulness.
Love, Mamae e papai.

Whitfield said...

Oo! Pick me! Pick me!

I love you Becca! And I can't wait until it's time for me to move closer to you (A LOT closer! An OCEAN and a CONTINENT closer!!). grins



Anonymous said...

Feliz Aniversário!
Just an interesting bit of trivia...On Aug. 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing women the right to vote, was declared in effect.
Rather appropriate for my sweet, feminist daughter, who has also inherited not only her Grandma ruth´s name, but also a bit of her pespective on reality.
Love you!