Friday, May 12, 2006


I'm sorry! I know that I've been pretty absent recently...that most of my posts recently have been fairly sporadic, short, inane, and not very informative as to how I'm doing...That I haven't been responding to questions in your comments...And I want you to know that it's not because nothing's going on, or because I don't care enough to share more than just superficial anecdotes about my life, or because I'm ignoring you! There has been so much going on that I would love to share, discuss, ask, vent, and celebrate with you! Like reunions with friends and family, great books I've read and movies I've watched, progress that has been made with some of the kids in my youth group, and the curious mixture of excitement and fear at the prospect of making decisions about my future...But it has been impossible to sit down at a computer and type these things out for, oh, the last month or so! They have just been piling up in my mind and heart, and sometimes on the pages of my journal or in heart-to-heart conversations with friends, but never on the screen of my computer...Alas, the problem with having internet access only at work! That means that the only way for me to do anything online for my own benefit is either during work time, or if I stay late...And in my 8-hour work days, I have recently had at least 9 hours' worth of work to do. (For example, yesterday, my full work day was answering phones, managing the fleet, getting financial records ironed out for the end of the fiscal year, organizing end-of-the-schoolyear academic stuff for all the profs in my department, and working on contracts for all our home games next year. But in the middle of it all, the sound guy didn't show up for the opening ceremony of a big conference we had up here in the gym, so I ended up setting up the whole sound system! Woohoo! All those months of setting up the Godspeed sound system really paid off! In fact, to make things easier, it actually WAS the Godspeed sound system that I set up...) So, the writing while at work option is definitely out the window, and, inevitably, if I stay late, someone sees that I'm in my office and drops in to ask a question, or to give me more work to do...SO, here I am, apologizing profusely for being gone, and yet still not saying anything useful...go figure...

But the exciting part is that I get to see almost all of you in the next week! Hooray for weddings! :) I can't wait to see you all...

1 comment:

tskd said...

I am actually a tad jealous of your job! I know that working 9 hour days in 8 hours is very annoying after a while, but I'm so tired of working 2 hour days in 8 hours that I'd take the extra work just to have something to do!!