Sunburned feet
Originally uploaded by beccaruth.
This has probably been the strangest spring on record for me...with snow until late, and gorgeously sunny days interspersed with cold and rainy ones. But here is evidence that we have, indeed, had at least one day of uninterrupted sunshine here in Western New York! :) My feet are the ones on the left, with the beautiful Chaco pattern now permanently set there until the end of the summer...Mom, I promise I put sunscreen on EVERYWHERE ELSE!!! And I didn't burn AT ALL, except for my feet...The good thing is, it doesn't hurt at all - must be 'cause I killed all the nerve endings in that skin for now. :)
And those must be Laura´s white feet next to yours. I would also assume she didn´t spend the time in the sun, because almost NONE of us remember our feet, except at the beach.
Parabéns! You did remember the rest of you!
Great design on your footsies, now.
We are headed out soon to a Japanese restaurant, for an early celebration of you baby brother´s 18th birthday!!!
I´m not as young as I used to be.
We love you, sunburn and all!
oh. my. goodness! Your poor feet! i hope you have lots of aloe!
But HO what a beaUUtiful day!!!
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