Monday, December 18, 2006

Can you believe it?

I am having quite a hard time believing that Christmas is 1 week from TODAY!!!!!!!

Right now, all I want to do is sleep all day, to recover from the all-weekend-long-mad-frenzied-final-push for our church's Christmas musical, which we finally performed yesterday. And now it's Monday, and I still feel like I need a weekend...Good thing I have all next week to recover! :)

Only 7 more days left in Advent...And today's Advent thought for the day comes from Evelyn Underhill:

When you don't see any startling marks of your own religious condition or your usefulness to God, think of the baby in the stable and the little Boy in the streets of Nazareth. The very life was there which was to change the whole history of the human race. There was not much to show for it. But there is entire continuity between the stable and the Easter garden and the thread that unites them is the will of God. The childlike simple prayer of Nazareth was the right preparation for the awful privilege of the Cross. Just so the light of the Spirit is to unfold gently and steadily within us, till at last our final stature, all God designed us for, is attained. It is an organic process, a continuous divine action, not a series of jerks...For what does union with God mean? It is not a nice feeling we get in devout moments. That may or may not be a by-product of union - probably not. It can never be its substance. Union with God means every bit of our human nature transfigured in Christ, woven up into His creative life and activity, absorbed into His redeeming purpose, heart, soul, mind, and strength. Each time it happens it means that one of God's creatures has achieved its destiny.

Amen and Amen.

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