Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat...

OK, maybe there won't be any goose this Christmas (nor has there ever been at any of my Christmases before), but that song could still be accurate nowadays if we switched out some key words. To make it, "Christmas is coming, and we're all getting fat..." At least that's what it feels like to me most of the time! No, I don't think I'm fat, nor am I going to develop an eating disorder in response to the continual feasting that seems to go on in honour of Christmas, starting in November. But I am a little overwhelmed by all of the parties, and the gifts of food that people keep giving our office! Here's just a small sample of what we've had in the past few weeks:
  • 2 Christmas parties, each with more food than anyone knew what to do with
  • 1 box of Tim Hortons donuts from the State Troopers who use our pool for scuba training
  • 1 box of Rushford Bakery donuts
  • 30,000 plates of cookies (OK, maybe only 30...but STILL, that's a LOT of cookies!)
  • 1 gift box of Hickory Farms cheese, crackers, beef sticks, etc. from the Senior Citizens Exercise Group
  • Individual goodie bags, with chocolate-covered pretzel rods and chocolate-covered Rice Krispies treats made by the women's basketball team, for each person in our department. (And guess who gets all the leftovers...ME! The people who are conscientious of healthy eating and all that good stuff pass their treats on to me, because they say, "Here, you're young and thin and your metabolism hasn't slowed down yet, so you can afford to eat these.")
  • Not to mention all of the snacks, refreshments, cookies, and parties at church!
I wish we could spread it all out over a longer period of give us treats periodically all year round, instead of WAY TOO MANY ALL AT ONCE at Christmas time. Not that I mind food. Oh, no, I LOVE food! And I love baking Christmas cookies to give to people. But sometimes I want to get rid of some of the trappings, because I feel like I'm going to drown in them. Like I want to say, "STOP, STOP! If we took away some of this STUFF, would it still be Christmas? Is it possible that it would be MORE Christmas, because there would be MORE room for Christ?" I guess the biggest problem lies for me in trying to figure out what to take away and what to leave. Because many of the things - or most of them - aren't bad in and of themselves. Baking and giving away the fruits of that baking; shopping and giving away the fruits of that shopping; throwing parties; putting on Christmas plays and musicals; spending time with friends & family...In fact, many of them are good things! But if any of them are not part of enabling Christ's coming into our lives, and thus into this world, as we are His body here on earth today, dare I say that these very things are then hindering His coming into our lives? I'm not suggesting that we all become ascetics for Christmas - I don't really think that would help, it would just give us a whole other set of problems. I simply want Christ to have all the room He needs, to come and dwell among us, and in us, and there grow and transform us and make all things new, and from there pour forth to the ends of the earth. I don't want to stuff myself with all the trimmings only to reach the main course and discover I am already full, and have no room, no appetite left for the Bread of Life.

Jesus, may we give you all the room that You need, that You deserve, that You require, this Christmas!


Ben said...

Amen to that.

I know this might sound masochistic but sometimes I feel like I enjoy the times of fasting and preparations more than I enjoy the feast days themselves. For example I'm really sad that Advent is over and I think that most of the time I look forward to Lent more than I do Easter.

Hmm. I need to think about that. I'm sure there's a blog post in there somewhere.

Whitfield said...

Added bonus for spending so much time at Houghton with Paul? Seeing your beautiful face. We should have a game night sometime soon. Hey! Have any plans for Monday night??? If not, save it for fun times with Noel cuz he'll be in town!
love you!!!