Monday, January 08, 2007

A new year, and so much has changed!

Michelle had now joined the ever-expanding ranks of my married friends, having been united with Mark in the presence of God and many wonderful Houghtonians whom I hadn't seen in a VERY long time! (And others whom I HAD seen, but it had still FELT like a long time...)
The bride with her hair-and-makeup team :)
Who, us? No, we didn't have ANYTHING to do with that car's decorations! (Please ignore the incriminating evidence in my right hand...)
Mrs. Potato-Bride hood ornament, lovingly crafted by Rachel, Paul, Tegan, and myself.

Rachel and Paul also join the ranks of recently-dating friends, in a twist that nobody foresaw but many are enjoying.

I am thoroughly enjoying my first non-snow-covered Houghton winter! :)

And, last but not least, I join the ranks of former-pet-owners. (Well, if you could call it ownership...) Yes, it's true, I no longer care for Shelby. Because, alas, in a cruel twist of fate, the Hopkins' cat Houdini decided that he would make a tasty dinner. 'Twas a sad, sad day...
Goodbye, Shelby! You were a good friend! I shall miss your furry softness! :(


tskd said...

Oh NO!!! Poor Shelby!! :( You can borrow ours!

Ben said...

Is it sad that all I do when I'm at work is check blogs? I think this is the third time today that I've run down the list of links on my blog page and finally someone updated!!

I'm such a loser!! That or my job is boring....maybe both.

Whitfield said...

May the fun continue... with Amy and Sam's wedding next!!! mwahahaa!