Thursday, February 16, 2006

For all you linguists and culturally-interested people...

My mom sent me this one, and I just about fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard! Maybe it's only funny for people who speak Portuguese, or who have been to the Northeast of Brazil (the Brazilian equivalent of "the South"), or who have ever been in places where people try to spell out English words the way they sound to them, but I couldn't resist...

VOCÊ SABE O QUE É TAPOÉ ????? ("Do you know what a tapoé is?" - pronounced as 3 syllables, with the emphasis on the third and the "t" at the beginning sounding more like a soft "d." In Portuguese, it sounds kinda like the name of an animal, or an exotic tropical fruit, or maybe like it could be some character from folklore like the Saci-Pererê, a one-legged black man who lives in a whirlwind.)
ALGUM DIA VOCÊ JÁ VIU UM TAPOÉ???? ("Have you ever seen a tapoé?")
OU SERÁ QUE SUA MÃE SEMPRE ESCONDEU O TAPOÉ DE VOCÊ???? ("Or has your mom always hidden the tapoé from you?")

SEGUE A FOTO DE UM LEGÍTIMO TAPOÉ. ("Here is a picture of an authentic tapoé.")

Get it? It's Tupperware!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahaha......

Fine, roll your eyes. I think it's hilarious. You only wish you spoke Portuguese like me...


El Angel de Madrid said...

Hey that was a nice and hilarious post.

think i'll link you!

Whitfield said...

becca, i love you! grins
i should go engrish hunting sometime... it's not as blaring in akita as it is in places like tokyo - the more touristy places are pretty bad... or well, i guess you could say pretty hilarious. ;)


KJBLS said...

ha ha ha. i'm laughing out loud.

tskd said...

Well I DO only wish I spoke portugeuse like you...but it's still very hilarious. :)

Ben said...

I find no humor in this post at all. In fact, I"m crying because there was no humor and I can't speak Portugeuse. Thanks for making me feel bad!