Have you ever stopped to think about how amazing it is that our bodies work the way they do? For example, all the sugar and protein and hormone levels in my blood are kept in balance by an amazingly complex system that takes whole textbooks to explain. And, if that system stopped working properly for some reason, it would take a whole medical team on 24-7 rotations, with meds and needles and machines, to make up for it. Like Karis, who has ports and catheters and lines jabbed into her body in 12 different places to handle all of it:
This week, she just started being able to eat again! WOOHOO!!! Orange popsicles and chocolate pudding and ice cream. :) Man, I would miss food...salad, rice and beans, chicken parmesan, extra sharp cheddar cheese...
Right now, if I want to pop on over to the Proctor Station just down the hall for something to munch on, all I have to do is stand up and walk my little body over there. It just takes a few seconds. This is what it takes for Karis to go for a spin down the hall (no food involved):
It takes about an hour just to get her transferred over to the wheel chair!How blessed I am indeed. And so very little of it has to do with me. Lord, how can I ever be grateful enough for the depths of Your grace?
Even more amazing is her atitude, and her family´s thankfulness to the Lord through all this - 22 years of waiting on God, depending on him for each moment.
We are all in that state of utter dependence on Him, but most of us are oblivious.
By the way, Happy Valentines Day!
To a sweet and gracious woman of God, in the midst of her journey with her Eternal Lover!
Abraços e carinho, na graça eterna de Deus Pai.
Bexx- I've been thinking about you a lot today and have been touched by Rachel and Michelle's blogs about you! I am so glad that you have such amazing, solid, encouraging friends. And they are so right about you! You are such an incredible, fun, beautiful, godly woman and I am honored to be your friend! I love you so much, Becca dear! :D
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