Tuesday, February 28, 2006

So, speaking of procrastination, I think I got MAYbe half of the things on my list done this weekend...My house is what suffered the most neglect, with my kitchen and bedroom still appallingly messy...But, on the other hand, the housekeeping done in my heart was much more profitable! And probably much more needed, too...Conversation with friends and family, the fellowship of the Body, laughter, a solid sermon from Pastor Jon, an evening and afternoon playing with small children. I'm still chewing on a G.K. Chesterton quote that Pastor Jon mentioned:

The problem isn't that the Christian ideal has been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.

And I can't help but wonder - am I really trying it? Or am I playing it safe because that hurts less, requires less of me?


Ben said...

Procrastination is fun!! Ok only when the consequences are far off. I'm trying to better at not being a procrastinator at seminary, but it's not working.

I guess i'll never learn.

Michelle said...

Hi Bexx...

I'm a good procrastinator, too. But I'm even better at being distracted while I'm trying to do my work...but somehow it manages to get done (eventually). Let's hope it all happens!!

Anyways...I got a little yellow lease renewal thing in my mailbox today and that started me thinking about next year and where I'm going to live and all that good stuff. I was just wondering if coming to Houston was still even a remote possibility, and if so, when you know about some of that stuff. I had decided not to live here in the grad apartments again next year, but i'm kind of starting to think that if i live by myself, getting a little efficiency here might be the easiest way to do things. just wondering if you'd gotten anywhere in your thoughts about all that stuff... love you!