Friday, September 15, 2006


Poor, poor Land Cruiser...It didn't stand a chance against that elephant...
(And, before you panic, these pictures are not from Paul & Katrina!)
What an experience for this car's owners! (Er, ex-owners?) Don't worry, nobody was hurt! I know, I couldn't believe it either when T.K. showed it to me, and said his daughter-in-law's father (a missionary in Namibia) was the driver of that vehicle and walked away from the accident uninjured. But if you look closely enough, you can see the steering wheel on the right-hand side of the car, British-driving style. Otherwise he would have been toast! But as it was, thankfully he's fine - and apparently so is the elephant, after the car ran into its right foreleg and the beast rolled over onto the car, then rolled back onto its feet and walked away!!!! Go figure...I complain about having to watch for deer while driving at night, but boy am I glad I don't need to watch out for something bigger! And slower.


tskd said...

holy toast.

Whitfield said...

wow. For the first time in my life I'm thankful for deer crossing the road...

Tell TK I said hello!!!!!

love you becca!!!