So, in honor of their grand opening, they sent out flyers with their menu to everyone at the college. And, I kid you not, in true Engrish form, this is the map at the bottom of their flyer:

Even His disciples said, "This is a hard teaching. How can anyone accept it?"
Jesus said to them, "Does this offend you?...Are you going to leave, too?"
Simon Peter replied, "Lord, to whom would we go? Only You have the words of life." (The Gospel of John)
"If anyone proved to me that Christ was outside the truth...then I would prefer to remain with Christ than with the truth." ~Fyodor Dostoyevsky
small town.
i'm so happy for them!
maybe they'll hire me someday.
hohohohohohohoh!!! (the sign) katrina, you're not chinese. they definitely won't hire you. hihe hehi! =)
oh my gosh. i JUST got it.
we here.
i am either really slow, or maybe just TRULY CHINESE (ahem, Hiram ;-) and thereby immune to Engrish.
Ha ha ha. Kat, don't feel bad it took me a while to figure out what was wrong.
That is awesome that Houghton has a chinese place now. What happened to Debs? Chinese food is way better!!
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