Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dear Cherith,

Thank you for your comment. It was resoundingly true, and in theory I agree with you. But in practice, I guess I sometimes find it easier to be critical than to extend grace to people who are doing things that drive me nuts. And cultural ignorance is one of my biggest pet peeves, along with gender stereotyping. (Hence why most of the stories I tell about my workplace involve those two things...Besides, they make funnier stories...)

At the end of all things, though, the girls and I did laugh about it together when they were here in the office, and there were no hard feelings. And I encouraged her to apply, saying that all my friends who went to Tanzania had a wonderful time there, and I'm sure she will, too! (Where I wish I could go right now, so I could be in the sun, and with Kat & Paul...sigh...)

P.S. - I owe you a REALLY LOOOOOONG e-mail, that is currently sitting in my drafts box...You and Chuck and Coffs Harbour are in my prayers continually. Love you!!!


tskd said...

I think she can be dumb AND you can give her a break. ;)

I make fun of ME when I get lost driving places. It's dumb.

t4stywh34t said...

Looking forward to hearing from you!
