Thursday, November 02, 2006

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

Well, at least that's a little bit how I feel. Like Chicken Little.

It's actually solid, white, cold, flaky precipitation that's falling. From the sky. And I, like Chicken Little, want to run away screaming for everyone to go and hide.

I will grow used to the snow in a few weeks, and, yes, even love it, but it will take an adjustment period...Goodbye, green grass, for now. See you in March!

1 comment:

KJBLS said...

while i definitely don't envy you the lack of green grass for the next several months, i actually think i will miss snow this winter.
while i probably hated it then, i think i'm actually going to miss walking home to seymour street through the snow. there is just something about being bundled against the cold and then walking into a warm house, where you know a cup of tea and dry wool socks are just a few moments away.

i miss you something fierce.