Monday, November 13, 2006

Geographic specificity, please!

Last week, a girl came into my office asking for information on the Tanzania Mayterm/Summer program that is being held this year (which we affectionately call "Mini-Tanzania"). So I gave her the brochure, and went back to work at my computer, trying really hard not to laugh at their ooh-ing and aah-ing commentary as she and her friend pored over it. But I lost it when the friend said, "Africa is such an awesome country! I loved it when I went, and it would be so great if you got to go see it!"

I proceeded to ask her if she knew that Africa was a continent, not a country. She blushed and kind of stammered her way out of it, and we laughed. So in an attempt to smooth things over and make small talk, I asked her if she had studied in Tanzania and that was why she was recommending the program to her friend. Then she said, "Well, never actually been to Tanzania. But I have been to Africa, on a missions trip to Botswana. I love Africa." YOU went on a missions trip to Botswana, and therefore you love the whole continent of Africa, and therefore based on this your friend is going to love studing in Tanzania...


tskd said...

Maybe she was on that horrible worship cd song where the guy goes "And now we're going to make a call to Botswana, Africa!"

I cringe everytime that comes on. THen I turn off the song. :)

Way to educate the masses Bexx.

Michelle said...

Wait. Are you saying that Africa, Asia, and South America aren't just one giant non-US/Europe country? Aren't all tribes pretty much the same? And oh yes, Australia? Does that even exist?

But really, why would you want to go anywhere outside the US anyways?

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon... give the girl a break.

She probably had good intentions, being that she did have a positive experience in the continent of Africa.

And maybe her friend will have a fantastic time in Tanzania regardless.

Ben said...

Wait, a second.... this doesn't make sense. How can Africa be both a country and a continent. That's not right.

I think you're wrong, i think it's the country of Africa. They all speak the same language dont' they? Then of course it's a country.

I mean sure they have different accents (like we have the crazy southerners) but they're really the same.

You should make sure you get your facts straight before you pick on innocent students.

KJBLS said...

here's the thing, though--the girl has all of college ahead of her, and no doubt she will not graduate without knowing exactly where Tanzania is (and, hopefully, where Malaysia and UAE and Senegal are).
as "dumb" as she appears, did even WE TCKs know jack about the rest of the world before we got to know friends who'd been there?
as arrogant as we are now, i'm willing to bet that half of my TCK friends couldn't have told me the difference between Taiwan and Thailand. and i knew nothing about TZ, nor had much interest (until i met tegan and mike a. and aaron!)--and here i am in TZ.
ignorance has more to do with the confidence that you know everything already (ahem, j.clif.) and the unwillingness to learn new things than it does just not knowing. so yes, give the girl a break you international friends of mine.
and this girl has potential--at least she blushed. :)

Anonymous said...

I think all of this sounds arrogant.


Live with grace.