Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm a hopeless cause...

I just deleted 515 e-mails from my inbox. It felt so good!

That is, until I realized that, even after all that, there are still 791 items in said inbox...

Combatting the accumulation of random, assorted, unnecessary things is ever an uphill battle!


Michelle said...

Wow, somehow every time I've checked your blog there have been no new updates. And then suddenly today I looked at it and sixty bazillion posts since September 20 popped up! And they made me happy and sad. Happy because I love you so much and sad because I miss you so much. I really miss having close friends like you to just crash with...And, I'll admit that I do miss snow. This will be my second year without it (only a few sprinkles last winter when I was in Ohio for Christmas), and there's something I really miss about it. Somehow my year always seems off-kilter without leaves turning and it getting cooler and snow falling. Well, it IS getting cooler, today the high was 84.

tskd said...

Actually, come to think of it-Michelle WAS one of the only one of us who didn't complain about snow.

And as for inbox deleting-at least you don't delete all your friends contact information multiple times. There is ONE good thing about packrats-they often have what they want. :)