(What DOESN'T make me happy is that it was on HALF of the BACK of the card where Donald Miller's lecture was advertised...sharing the space with another female speaker at the lecture series...So, as an act of protest, I turned the whole stack over on our counter, so that Lauren and Debbie are the first people you see, and you have to flip it over to see Don. Not that I necessarily have anything against Don! It's just that everyone and their mom already knows about him and has read his stuff, while surprisingly few people have heard of Lauren - whose books are at least as good as Don's, and whose life journey to Christ through Judaism is supremely fascinating. Not to mention that she loves liturgy, which gives her lots of points in my book, and she has spent LOTS of time studying church history. Which rocks my world. If nothing else, more people need to know about Lauren Winner! If you haven't read her stuff, you can borrow my copies anytime.)