Friday, November 03, 2006

Oh, the days of muddy fun...

Look like fun? Well, it does to me! :) This is a picture of my brother Ben's soccer team after their game yesterday. In a mud pit. (Can you tell which one is him???)

Unfortunately, they lost, to our long-time rival E.A.C...But doesn't part of you just want to slide through the mud? Or sling it at someone? Or push someone down in it? Yeah, I know, I'm nuts. At times like these I sure miss playing soccer...But I love the fact that, due to the spectacular internet, I can track their scores and pictures during this week's tournament, even though it's in a whole different hemisphere. Love you, bro!


Anonymous said...

After another night of rain, the muddy field woke up as a true mud pit. After trying to scrape the mud off, they gave up, and played on the other field. Ben scored his first goal at the tournament. He was happy -- and tired. You remember how the week got long. Love to you, in the snow of november, Dad

tskd said...

He's going to have to cut his hair a LOT shorter if he doesn't want people to recognize him. ;)