Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Does anyone know how to get and keep the attention of a group of 30 teenagers????? Because I'm endeavoring the hugely intimidating task of presenting the devotional at youth group tonight, and I have prepared what to say, but I just don't know how to bring it home! Doing a Faith Journey in chapel would have been hard enough if I had been asked to do so, but to Jr. High students? Yikes! I'm talking about identity, and how we are often given an identity by others that may or may not reflect who we actually are (for example, from kindergarten to 12th grade I was always "the smart one," and it drove me nuts that people didn't seem to notice or care about all the other parts of me that didn't fit under that category), but that in the end the label that covers all these labels is the one that God bestows on us that says, "you are MINE!" I'm trying to make it at least a little bit interactive, by giving them each actual labels to wear...Unless they decide to crumple them up and use them as ammo against each other...Here's hoping...


Whitfield said...

And here's praying...
Let me know how it goes!

love ya!

tskd said...

so how DID it go??