Friday, April 21, 2006

Microsoft Paint

For those of you who thought Microsoft Paint was one of those computer accessories that just took up space and had no useful purpose, I have news for you: I used Paint yesterday and today to do stuff for work! I edited some graphics that our ridiculous version of Photoshop was doing a really bad job editing, so I just pasted them into Paint, zoomed in really close, and made the corrections I needed to make! Now, if only I could come up with a use for Microsoft Notebook...


Karen & Brian said...

Notebook is a great text editor. If you ever need to write a C program or some generic text file, Notebook is the choice for a PC person. It doesn't attach huge amounts of formatting information and you can open a text file on any computer (PC, Mac, Unix). Notebook is actually a very useful program.

Michelle said...

Paint is a wonderful thing :) I used it once for a linguistics paper. And Mark uses it to draw amazing pictures...But I'm with you, I don't think I've ever used Notebook...