Monday, April 17, 2006

Today is a good day


1. Jesus Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!!!!!!!!!
2. The sun is shining, it is warm, and the daffodils are blooming in my front yard
3. Rachel called this morning! From Japan!!!! What a wonderful way to start the day. :)
4. I am drinking coffee right now...ah, how I have missed it...
5. Our Easter cantata went off without a hitch yesterday, and there were 8 people who responded to the altar call after Pastor Jon's message, one of whom has already expressed interest in baptism! (She has apparently been seeking out who Christ is for several months now, and has finally decided it's time to jump in and start following in His footsteps.)
6. I spent all day yesterday with a group of wonderful people from my church, including a missionary family on furlough from RVA, and many very cute children with whom I jumped for hours on the trampoline (my legs still feel like Jell-O...) and went on an Easter egg hunt and roasted Peeps over a bonfire.
7. Pastor Jon gets points for culinary creativity this weekend - he decided to try something new with the ham for Easter dinner this year, and so he deep-fried it. The whole pork shoulder, so there was sort of a crust that formed on the outside, and the ham on the inside came out really tender, and actually really good! (But far too much work, he said...) Somehow, I just find a deep-fried ham really amusing, in a bizarre sort of way.
7. Did I mention that the sun is shining?

P.S. - Did you know that, in 1953, it took 27 hours to create one Marshmallow Peep, but today, it takes six minutes? Well, now you know. :)


Whitfield said...

hurray for phones and cheap international calling plans!! yaaay!! :)
i love you becca!!!

Ben said...

Deep fried ham? That sounds awesome! In high school I attended graduation parties where the food consisted of multiple deep fried turkeys. That was super cool!

Ben said...

i'm not sure if deep frying is big in KY. I think BBQ is more common here. I just think he gets the deep frying for the fact that it is freakin cool!

Props to him! He should hire me to be his assistant pastor/deep fryer.